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Quality marks & Certificates

The high level of quality that Bene demands involves all company divisions. For this, Bene has won awards for communication as well as numerous project and company prizes.

Company-related Certificats

Bene has been certified

Product-related Certificates

Many Bene products have been awarded various ecolabels with a wide variety of sustainability fac­tors in recent years, more details can be found on the individual product pages.


Many Bene products have been awarded various ecolabels with a wide variety of sustainability fac­tors in recent years, more details can be found on the individual product pages.


All Bene product groups are, as part of the development process, subject to a comprehensive safety inspection by an accredited testing institute.
Our products carry the GS mark (GS = tested safety). In terms of user and occupational health and safety, it provides the guarantee that the safety requirements have been satisfied and that they are checked and regularly monitored by an independent and approved body. Awarding is regulated by the law on safety of products and devices.


All Bene product groups are, as part of the development process, subject to a comprehensive safety inspection by an accredited testing institute.
Our products carry the GS mark (GS = tested safety). In terms of user and occupational health and safety, it provides the guarantee that the safety requirements have been satisfied and that they are checked and regularly monitored by an independent and approved body. Awarding is regulated by the law on safety of products and devices.

Product warranty

Bene product warranty