Headpro G3
Shopping Resort Gerasdorf


Vienna, Austria


Retail & Consumer Goods




Agentur headpro


Bene GmbH

Mobile working made easy

The G3 Shopping Resort Gerasdorf has opened its own open office for all mobile workers. Anyone who has to take a team call while on the road or wants to answer a few emails in between appointments will find suitable office equipment and a pleasant working atmosphere in the Open Office. After all, cafés, restaurants or the car are not ideal workplaces.

Open Office in G3 Shopping Resort Gerasdorf equipped with PIXEL by Bene

On an area of about 80m2 numerous flexible working and comfortable meeting places were combined. Equipped with PIXEL by Bene, fast WLAN and enough sockets for mobile devices, the Open Office is not only to become a short-term service, but a fixed component in the G3.

PIXEL by Bene

With PIXEL, rooms can be designed and expanded as needed, it is a flexible building block from which a table, a bench, a stool, a stand and much more can be created. As implemented in Open Office, the "Rack" extensions provide a framework from which project spaces can be quickly and easily created with tables, benches and seating from the various PIXEL elements. In addition, PIXEL Rack has also been used as a space structuring element. Thus, an open and inviting work space has been created in the G3 Shopping Resort, a place to work for everyone on the go.

Here at the G3, we have always placed equal importance on the quality of the experience as well as the quality of the stay. Accordingly, in addition to the wide range of shopping, dining and entertainment options, we also offer a variety of additional services. The Open Office is a completely new approach that also shows what possibilities we have as a modern shopping center to support our visitors in their everyday (working) lives.

Center Manager Funda Caglar

Photos: AdrianAlmasan/G3 Shopping Resort Gerasdorf
