After the success of THE FUTURE OF WORK REPORT, Bene has decided to add a quantitative survey to the qualitative report, and to challenge the findings of the experts.
In the chapter relating to perceptions of digital transformation, in particular in impact of artificial intelligence, we present one of the most surprising results of our survey: that a majority of the participants are actually looking forward to the many possibilities posed by artificial intelligence. We also show the range of future scenarios they regard as likely for the professional world: Ranging from gloomy forecasts of high unemployment, to more hopeful expectations that see intelligent machines relieving us of annoying and tedious jobs, freeing up our time to pursue more interesting and meaningful activities. The most plausible studies for us predict that there will be changes in almost all professions, but that only a few jobs will be completely obsolete.
This chapter explores leadership in the digital age, and we highlight the strong preference that many of our survey participants have for a new leadership culture. Because the digital economy no longer works according to traditional hierarchical patterns, employees want their bosses to delegate responsibility, to rely on cooperation and participation. We argue that executives are now expected to exemplify and tell a new credible story of the future of work.
In this chapter we discuss the meaning and purpose of work, and reveal that employees today are looking for work content that they can deeply connect with, and that reflects their own values and goals. The traditional “higher, faster, further” is no longer a sufficient motivator for them. Companies that want to assert themselves in the digital transformation must therefore become purpose suppliers. Managers face the challenging task of bringing together their company’s goals with those of their employees to form a new narrative.
This chapter looks at the different forms of cooperation: In the digital economy how can we achieve the best work results? What spatial settings will be required for the best results, if work is performed with increasing mobility? What will be the ideal conditions for successful project work? And, are agile methods useful alternatives? With an overwhelming majority, the participants in our study advocate being able to work as independently as possible, and without too much control by their superiors. To do this, they want spaces for meeting colleagues, but also opportunities to retreat for concentrated work. Interchangeable cross-departmental project teams are the preferred method in most companies to solve tasks successfully. Agile methods are the exception.
In diesem ONLINE EXPERT TALK erklärt Agile Coach David Hillmer, was hinter dem Begriff „Agiles Arbeiten“ steckt und wie man Agilität in der Praxis anwenden kann.