Bene wins
EcoVadis GOLD award

A benchmark in CSR assessment

In Bene’s continuous commitment to sustainability, it is important to undergo an external assessment in order to recognise the effectiveness of one's actions as well as areas for improvement. In 2023, Bene was able to significantly improve its score compared with the last EcoVadis evaluation, and for the first time it was awarded a GOLD medal with 71 points, placing it in the top 3% of companies in the furniture manufacturing industry assessed by EcoVadis.

EcoVadis is an independent agency specialising in CSR assessments of companies. It analyses companies worldwide and evaluates them on the basis of a wide range of 21 indicators divided into four key areas: Environment, Social and Human Rights, Ethics and Responsible Purchasing. The EcoVadis CSR assessment methodology is based on international standards such as the principles of the United Nations Global Compact, the conventions of the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), the ISO 26000 standard and the CERES principles.

Bene's success
in different
areas of assessment


Bene focuses on ecological solutions and sustainability in its product design and production processes. The company is increasingly focusing on renewable energy sources and the circular economy.

Social and human rights

Bene supports equal rights, diversity and fair working conditions for all. High standards in terms of employee rights and satisfaction contribute to our excellent rating in this area.


Transparency and ethical principles are key values at Bene. A respectful relationship with others is essential.

Responsible purchasing

Bene places great importance on sustainable supply chains and works closely with its suppliers to ensure that they also meet sustainability standards.

EcoVadis assessments provide greater transparency across the supply chain, as each company can monitor and assess its supply chain more accurately. This helps to reduce risk, improve sustainability performance, meet compliance requirements and accelerate the positive impact on our planet and society.

Bene strives to maintain the high standards already established and to continually improve all its processes.

Poto credit: Werner Huthmacher 

Sustainability Report 2023

Sustainability Report 2023

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