With Prof. Dr. Kerstin Sailer

Flexibility is a long standing architectural dream - to design spaces that adapt to human use and needs. The 'Room of Requirements' from the world of Harry Potter fiction provides a perfect example of a space that knows what users need and gives them just that. But how can we aspire to flexible workspaces in real life, especially against the background of the Covid pandemic which has brought home the urgency of change and adaptability in completely new ways?

In this HOW TO WORK NOW. ONLINE EXPERT TALK Kerstin Sailer will introduce the idea as well as the problems of flexibility and explain the concept of activity-based working (ABW), which offers an opportunity for more flexible space use of office space. Drawing on existing research as well as a concrete case study of an organisation introducing ABW, the talk will highlight how complex it is to balance user needs and how a more flexible approach to workspace can be achieved.

The ONLINE EXPERT TALK was held in English.


Prof. Dr. Kerstin Sailer

Kerstin is Professor in the Sociology of Architecture at the Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London. An architect by training, her research interests combine processes and practices of work with the architectural layout of buildings such as offices, hospitals and schools. As an expert in space syntax, social network analysis and evidence-based design, her work builds bridges between architecture, sociology and strategic management. Kerstin has co-founded the think-tank brainybirdz to advance scientific thinking in workplace design. She also runs the blog spaceandorganisation.org and comments as @kerstinsailer on Twitter.

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Online Expert Talks

How do people want to work in today's world? What new ways of leading are currently emerging? What is the purpose of work now? With the exclusive ONLINE EXPERT TALKS series, we offer the opportunity to learn from the best and get answers to these questions and more.